Some of the most frequent questions we get are, “How much does it cost to get started? Isn’t armor insanely expensive? What other costs are there?”
At Armored Academy of Arizona, we are dedicated to help guide new members on making the cost of entry as affordable as possible for Armored Combat. A full set of steel armor and everything needed to make it work can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. There is no set order that you need to follow while you start putting your first kit together though, we do recommend the first thing you get are your gambeson and chausses. While you are saving up for your armor, there are plenty of opportunities for training we offer to our teammates that you can do without any armor.
There’s no expectation that every new member will own a full kit by the end of their first year but, we would like them to get the experience of what a full suit and full contact will feel like. We’ll make loaner equipment available (following appropriate disinfecting given the currents times) as much as possible so that new members can piece together their kits and fill in the gaps with borrowed gear. The instructors and other members of the gym are more than happy to provide guidance and advice to help mitigate expenses and price out bargains wherever possible.
We take a tiered approach to training so that we can guarantee our members are able to make physical and technique improvements while they decide how they would like to look on the battle field. After all, looking good is half the battle and being strong is the other half.
It’s important when looking at the below lists to remember that only the monthly membership/dues need to be paid in order to train with the Armored Academy of Arizona and, that the cost for armor will fluctuate depending on the deals we can find. We understand that for the full experience it can be daunting when starting out but, we have an experienced team that is here to answer any questions.
Minimum ($80/month or $960/year):

- Monthly dues are $80. This is the minimum and it gets you the following:
- You can attend all three classes each week
- You can spar if spare equipment is available
- Fitness equipment is provided by the gym, so you can always get a good workout
Recommended start ($80/month plus $350 for gear

- Monthly dues $80 that grant the above
- Soft armor and weapons, which have a one-time cost (around $350)
- We have a relationship with a manufacturer that gives our members a discount, but it’s not necessary to use them
- This armor allows training all aspects of the sport without putting wear and tear on the body and armor
- There are tournaments that use this armor for those under the age of 18, but adults can only participate in steel competitions
Ready for competition (below added up: $5210 for first year, $1360 after that)

- Monthly Team Dues: $80 ($960/year)
- Soft Armor (highly recommended so as to reduce wear and tear on your steel kit): $350
- Soft Under Padding (Gambeson and Chausses): $250
- Appropriate Period Boots: $100
- C-belt: $50
- Armor Kit (listed as they are typically sold):
- Everything but Helm and Gauntlets: $1700
- Steel Helmet: $700
- Steel Gauntlets: $500
- Total: $2900
- ACW League Fees: $100
- Travel and Lodging: $500
You may have noticed that we did not mention weapons, devices, or martial arts tools. Weapons and such will typically run $100 to $300 but, it is not recommended as we have more than enough to equip anyone with whatever device they would like to train with while attending training. Most people buy these things for themselves, but in order to train – we will help out.
For those under the age of 18, there is a league that offers competitions. They do not allow steel fighting, so it is all soft kit. This means that the Recommended Start section is actually all that’s needed until adulthood.