A Sicaria is a female enforcer. I chose this name because we are brutal women that get the job done! I started doing armored combat after watching another woman in this sport go toe to toe with the guys in a longsword duel.
For me, fighting is an adrenaline rush and I love it. I first started fist fighting when I began training in Krav Maga, but I find Armored Combat to be more satisfying because I can fight in a less restricted way due to how safe the armor makes it.
This is a team sport, so we train to work together. It is important that each fighter compliments the other in order to be the most effective team in the list.

There is a lot of comradery involved, both with teammates and with members of opposing teams. We are all friendly with each other, but once we step into the list, it is time to fight.
As brutal as this sport is, it is still very safe. Our armor must meet certain specifications in order to be allowed to compete. Even though we are fighting with steel weapons, and are hitting as hard as we can, the main injuries from competitions are usually bruises on the arms and legs and the occasional cut. Helmets are very protective, and injuries to the face are quite rare. Even more rare are broken bones.
Armor is not needed to start, and team members are willing to loan out armor to help new members decide what they like. While it is expensive, it does not need to be purchased all at once and can instead be purchased piece by piece as budget allows. Much of the training does not require any armor and there is also soft armor that can be used while skills are developed.
I think women should get into this sport because it offers many benefits such as stress relief, self confidence and a sense of belonging. When I have a rough day, I look forward to going to practice and blowing off some steam in a safe, controlled, combat environment with my friends. Also, the training is challenging. As a result, I have greater strength and endurance and the confidence to stand up to anybody that crosses me.
Are you ready to step into the list with me as a Desert Sicaria?