What AAA Offers

What we do:

Our sport combines martial arts (weapons and hand to hand) with teamwork. There are many leagues and flavors where a person could compete. Our goal is to prepare our students to be able to compete in any and all of them, and also to offer a team for them to do so with.

What you personally can obtain:

There are many things to gain by training with AAA – strength, endurance, martial skills such as wrestling, fist fighting, weapons fighting, small unit tactics, and the personal confidence that a person can only get by engaging in combat. Lastly, there is no greater feeling of brotherhood, or togetherness, than that of fighting as hard as you can alongside someone who is watching your back while you watch theirs.

How you will stay motivated to continue with this challenging training:

AAA offers many end-goals to give purpose to your training. Maybe you want to strap on some full plate armor and go fight along side your friends in the IMCF World Championship. Maybe you just want to train casually and have the opportunity to sometimes compete. Maybe you have no aspirations of competing, but just enjoy the process of training with a purpose. No matter your ultimate goal – AAA is able to accommodate it.

What we offer for the kids:

Perhaps you are a parent and you would like your child to get some exercise doing some sports, but the traditional sports just don’t seem to appeal. Maybe your child doesn’t have much confidence or gets bullied. Our sport combines martial arts with team sports – a mixture that is typically only found in the military. Not only that, they will be training with literal knights in armor, which offers wow-factor all of its own. Children are not allowed to compete in metal armor, but there is a league that offers soft kit for ages 10 to 17. This soft kit is also used by the adults while training, so your child will be getting the same full experience up until it’s time to compete. There is a world championship for the children’s soft kit league that is held in Europe each year. It is possible for your teenager to return to school in the fall and tell the class about going overseas to fight in an armored combat tournament – truly a unique life experience.


There are both men’s and women’s teams. Just like many sports, these are divided out; however, during tournaments there are all v all matches and in these – there is no separation. For training purposes, we train everyone together. If a female does not feel comfortable training with the males, that is not a problem – we are happy to accommodate every student. It is well worth noting that there are women in this sport that regularly beat men in duels. At the end of the day – it’s all about conditioning and drive to win.